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تاریخ انتشار: ۱۷:۳۴ - ۱۲-۱۰-۱۳۹۵
کد ۵۱۴۹۴۵
انتشار: ۱۷:۳۴ - ۱۲-۱۰-۱۳۹۵

Fuah and Kafarya

متن فارسی این گزارش تکان دهنده درباره فوعه و کفریا روز گذشته در عصر ایران منتشر شد. برای این که صدای مظلومیت اهالی این دو روستا به ویژه کودکانی که در گرسنگی و تشنگی روزانه هدف تک تیراندازها قرار می گیرند، به جهان برسد، متن انگلیسی اش را نیز منتشر می کنیم. از کسانی که می توانند در بازنشر و ارسال این گزارش به انگلیسی زبان های دنیا کمک کنند، درخواست می کنیم به احترام انسانیت، در رساندن این پیام به همه جهانیان، همراهی کنند. متن فارسی در لینک زیر همین صفحه آمده است.
Fuah and Kafarya are two villages of Shia Muslims that tolerate 2 years of blockade from opposition armed groups and terrorists of Al-Nusra Front. About 20 thousand inhabitants of the two villages are the forgotten people of war in Syria; According to documents and evidence, although the humanitarian situation in any place of Syria is not critical as these two cities, the name of Fuah and Kafarya wouldn’t be mentioned at all in international diplomatic and media circles.1

Fuah and Kafarya

International pressure to save armed groups inside Eastern Aleppo brought a chance for Fuah and Kafarya to be presented. Hezbollah tried to set an agreement in order to evacuate civilians from Fuah and Kafarya for evacuation of Eastern Aleppo.1

 However, international pressures and all the permanent members of the Security Council prevented these humanity events. Surprisingly, that wasn’t agreed with departure of these civilians from the military siege. Finally, with Hezbollah's resistance, terrorists and their sponsors’ states agreed with departure of 2500 residents of Fuah and Kafarya. 2500 women and children and injured in front of 40 thousand people from the terrorists and their families. These 400 thousand people of eastern Aleppo were evacuated and joined their confreres in Idlib; their patients were moving with equipped ambulance towards hospital. But on the other hand, in the first round nearly 1,000 people of Fuah and Kafarya were evacuated from these two villages. All the injured were shifted on the floor of buses and passed route in 3 days instead of few hours. Of course armed men fired empty busses which were moving to Fuah and Kafarya. But eventually with pressure of Hezbollah buses entered these two villages and 1,000 people were evacuated in the first phase from Fuah.1
About 2 weeks ago, 21 buses entered to Fuah to evacuate other 1000 people who were waiting to run from death. But it was so late, all 40 thousand people were outside of Easetern Aleppo and all the world turned a blind eye on these people. They had no value any more. At the moment, these buses waiting to receive permission to evacuate these people from these two villages. These buses’ drivers, which contact with the outside of area, say that they are going to die from starvation.1
Thus the first victim of the Russians’ hurry to evacuate Aleppo, were defenseless people of Fuah and Kafarya.1

The importance of Fuah and Kafarya

Fuah and Kafarya have no the least militarily advantage for the involved parties on Syria war. Opposition groups and terrorists consider the two villages completely fallen. Whenever they like, they would be able to storm villages. In terms of Syrian government the possibility of liberalizing of these two cities would be very difficult on current situation because it must pass through the intensive fortifications of armed opposition, which is almost impossible in the current circumstances.1

These two villages have a lot of psychological and theological importance for Iran and Hezbollah.  Large number of martyrs of Iran and Hezbollah on track to achieve these two cities has lost their lives; so called Khantuman is a sample of these efforts. In addition to daily mortar throwing in these two villages by armed men of "Ahrar al-Sham" and "Nusra Front", snipers ambushed for the people of Fuah and Kafarya, and pull the trigger for the sake of God (!).Methods are also very special: Shoot the men and young people who are placed in snipers camera lens, by intention of killing and shooting to children and women to injure them and made psychological pressures.1

The following table shows the list of children who have recently been targeted:1



Shoot on

Mohsen Qandi



Shahoud Ahmad



Mahdi Ahmad



Maryam Hossein



Mohammed Hossein



Yasin Ayman


Machine Gun

Moti Abdo



Hasan Ali


Machine Gun

Majd Mahmoud



Ali Mohsen



Nasr Hossein


Spinal Cord

Leith Qiath



Mohammed Qiath



Telat Qezvan



Haidar Ammar



Terrorists and their supporters know that 20 thousand hostages in this city are good savings for their very difficult days.1

Treaty of 4 cities

When two years ago Idlib province crashed and members of Al-Nusra Front started to stomp out this great victory, Fuah and Kafarya were the only areas that were not yet in the hands of armed men. Armed men were preparing for final attack in these two cities and in its gates chanted "we came to cut your heads.” Just at that crucial moment, the Lebanese Hezbollah began operations of Madaya and Zebadani in Damascus suburbs and in the short time managed to defeat the terrorists’ resistance in these two cities and siege them. The operation had a message: If you enter Fuah and Kafarya, we will also enter Madaya and Zabadani. An agreement was formed as "four-town agreement" based on this security of four cities were tied to each other. No aid will be sent to Madaya and Zabadani except for the same amount be sent to Fuah and Kafarya. However, gradually terrorists violated the agreement and in other sense value of Fuah and Kafarya was more than Madaya and Zabadani for the armed men.1
 The humanitarian situation

Casualties who were taken by mortar attacks and sniper in two cities are much less than statistics of victims caused by a deficiency of food and medicine on Fuah and Kafarya. There were no suitable food to eat and no clean water to drink in Fuah and Kafarya. No fuel for heating and no suitable and enough medicine for the treatment. Little assistance which is done in the shade of agreement of four towns doesn’t last more than a few weeks. People burn their households to escape from the coldness of winter and they do not have enough clothes to spend the cold. Various diseases due to consumption of unhealthy food and water are common in these two cities and due to lack of basic facilities, Fuah hospitals is incapable of treating people.1


Even there is not enough serum to control the early symptoms. The aid is also scarce or inadequate. According to reports from inside Fuah, food quota per person is one and a half loaves of bread for four days! Children in these two cities have forgotten many fruits and foods. UN inspectors have been arrived in Madaya and Zabadani to assess the situation several times; while armed men didn’t ever allow any assessment to agents of UN. Ironically, the demand for the deployment of UN inspectors to Fuah and Kafarya, on this organization’s periodic reports to the ISSG cannot be seen. Meanwhile UN agencies in Syria always have a request to enter to Madaya and Zabadani in order to assess the situation.1

What is certain is that the international community has turned a blind eye on these two large villages. People of Fuah and Kafaria are in the threat of "genocide". Based on interviews published by the top terrorists in Syria, the main target for groups of siege is to destroy the Fuah and Kafarya because of their beliefs. on international law, genocide means "any act or attempted to physical destruction and removal of a part or whole of ethnic, national, religious, or ideological group." the same thing which is going on in Fuah and Kafarya.1
We will try to publish detailed reports and documents about the Fuah and Kafarya and without any expediency, international agents involved in the situation in the city will be introduced. Turkey, Qatar and Russia, are the three original triangular sides that should present their serious intention to play a positive role on preventing a humanitarian crisis on Fuah and Kafarya.1

برچسب ها: fuah ، kafarya
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انتشار یافته: ۵
در انتظار بررسی: ۷
غیر قابل انتشار: ۱
۰۰:۳۲ - ۱۳۹۵/۱۰/۱۳
خيلي ممنون،.
United States of America
۰۷:۵۹ - ۱۳۹۵/۱۰/۱۳
یعنی نمیشه از راه هوا به اینا کمک کرد؟
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
۰۸:۲۹ - ۱۳۹۵/۱۰/۱۳
قطعا این رفتار شما مصداق جهاد در راه خداست، خیلی خوشحال می شوم وقتی می بینم سایت ها و شبکه های خبری به جای دعواهای سیاسی بر یک دغدغه مهم تر پافشار می کنند.
خداوند به شما سلامتی و توفیق روز افزون بدهد
۰۹:۴۹ - ۱۳۹۵/۱۰/۱۳
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
۰۹:۵۵ - ۱۳۹۵/۱۰/۱۳
از خدا نجات ایشان و همه مظلومان عالم را می خواهیم. و شکرش به جای می آوریم از این همه نعمت که به ما ارزانی داشته خصوصا امنیت. کریما لطف تو را سپاس...